Project development – Electrical and Automation parts for Chemical Water Treatment department: “Neutralization reservoir”, “Water treatment of alkaline water with mechanical admixtures and second use”, Reconstruction of the separation system and additional purifying of oiled water”. The scope of the work on the projects includes topological diagrams, line diagrams, wiring diagrams, electrical and automation board layouts, cable list, equipment specification.
Microprocessor system for analogue values archiving and data transmission to the operator station of the Fuel Burning Installation Monitoring and Control System of Steam Generator 2 in TPP”Rousse”. The system is built on the basis of programmable controller SIMATIC S7300, production of SIEMENS AG – Germany. The scope of the work includes project development, delivery of the equipment, mounting, wiring, programming, commissioning, adjustment and putting into exploitation.
Reconstruction of SCADA Automation System of Boiler 5 in TPP”Rousse”. The reconstruction includes Technological protection system of K5 – built on the basis of programmable controller SIMATIC S5 95F, production of SIEMENS AG – Germany, management and control system of the Natural Gas Burning Installation – built on the basis of programmable controller SIMATIC S7 300F, production of SIEMENS AG – Germany and Dust Feeders Control system – built on the basis of frequency inverters MICROMASTER 420, production of SIEMENS AG – Germany. The existing management and visualization software installed on the two operator stations and one engineering station is replaced with WINCC V6.0 SP4 system software, production of SIEMENS AG – Germany. The scope of the work includes project development, delivery of the equipment, mounting, wiring, PLC and SCADA programming, application software development, commissioning, adjustment and putting into exploitation.
Building of new Energy monitoring and control SCADA automation system and replacement of the existing old MIK – 2000 system. The system is built on the basis of programmable controllers SIMATIC S7 315-2PN/DP, distributed periphery ET200S, SICAM PAS management system for control of power distribution substations and operator stations, production of SIEMENS AG – Germany, power meters PM130Е and ezPAC, production of SATEC Ltd. – Italy, optical switches and converters, production of RUGGEDCOM – Canada, digital energymeters, production of MPS Ltd. – Bulgaria, and meteorological station, production of ADOLF THIES GmbH – Gerrmany. The scope of the work includes equipment delivery, building of optical Ethernet network, electrical and automation boards assembly, onsite mounting of boards and field equipment, wiring, building of cable roads, cable laying, PLC and SCADA programming, application software development, commissioning, adjustment and putting into exploitation.
Extension of energy monitoring SCADA system SICAM SC, production of SIEMENS AG – Germany. The scope of the work includes replacement of two existing operator stations with modern ones and adding of new operator station, realization of redundant management and control of the operator stations, SCADA software reinstall, commissioning, adjustment and putting into exploitation.
Project development and assembly of electrical and automation board with ET200S station for power supply and management of different consumers. The scope of the work includes project development, board delivery, board assembly, commissioning, adjustment and putting into exploitation.
Project development for the replacement of relay and contactor control system of the technological process in Devnya Varovik AD. The scope of the work includes preliminary onsite examination, reconstruction of the 6kV power supply diagram in Rough Crusher, reconstruction of the 0.4kV power supply diagram in Substation 3 – Rough Crusher, reconstruction of the 0.4kV power supply diagram in Substations 1 and 1A – Fine Crusher, topological diagrams, line diagrams, electrical and construction diagrams of the equipment mounting and the electrical connections, electrical and automation boards layouts, explanatory note, cable list and equipment list.
PLC software development for the management of projects “Neutralization reservoir” and “ Water treatment of alkaline water with mechanical admixtures and second use” in Chemical Water Treatment Department
Station “Gasilen” project development in Lime department, Automation part. The scope of the work includes preliminary on-site investigation and working project development.
Reconstruction of ET200 control boards for management of Lime furnaces. The scope of the work includes dismantling of the existing equipment, mounting and wiring of new equipment, commissioning, adjustment and putting into exploitation.