Chemical and pharmaceutical industry

Automation system for technological protection of Turbo-generator 6 in TPP “Rousse – East”. The system is built on the basis of programmable redundant controllers S7-315F and operator station, production of SIEMENS AG. It realizes total automatic control of the technological protection and block system of the Turbo-generator together with information visualization and long term archiving. The scope of the work includes project, specification of the equipment, delivery, mounting, wiring, programming, application software for management visualization and archiving development, start-up, commissioning, adjustment and putting in exploitation.

Energorazpredelenie AD - Razgrad

Chemical and pharmaceutical industry

Monitoring, control and visualization system of VC “ Centre” – Razgrad. The system is built on the basis of SICAM SAS energy monitoring system, production of SIEMENS AG and radio-modems, production of RACOM – Czech Republic. It performs automatic energy monitoring and management of the necessary substations, information transfer via radio channel, data processing, visualization and archiving on operator station. The scope of the work includes project development, mounting, programming, commissioning, adjustment and putting into exploitation.


Chemical and pharmaceutical industry

Automation system for monitoring, management and control of 4 conveyor belts in store area of to port “VARNA – ZAPAD”. The system is built on the basis of programmable controllers SIMATIC S7-314 and SIMATIC S7-312, production of SIEMENS AG – Germany. It performs automatic management and control of the work of the belt conveyors during store supplying and ship loading. The work on the system includes project development, delivery of the equipment, assembly of two control boards, mounting, wiring, programming, commissioning, adjustment and putting into exploitation.


Chemical and pharmaceutical industry

Delivery and mounting of 10 pcs. flowmeters for measurement of water quantities in open channels, ref. № ТС 2451047. The scope of the work includes delivery, onsite mounting, programming, commissioning, adjustment and putting into exploitation of 10 pcs. open channel flowmeters OCMIII, production of SIEMENS AG – Germany for dam areas “Chaira”, “Belmeken” and “Rhodopa”. It is realized constant measurement and monitoring of the water stands and quantities in the relevant measurement points and information transmission by GSM to the computers in the administration buildings of each dam area. Independently of this the data in each measurement point are recorded and stored in the flowmeter memory, from where they are downloaded at certain periods of time with hand-held computer.

Chemical and pharmaceutical industry

Replacement of the management and control system of dozing machine. The new system is built on the basis of programmable controller SIMATIC S7 312, production of SIEMENS AG – Germany. The scope of the work includes equipment specification, delivery of the equipment, mounting, wiring, programming, commissioning, adjustment and putting into exploitation.


Chemical and pharmaceutical industry

Automation system for technological protection of Steam Generator 7, Turbo Generator 5 and Turbo Generator 6. The system is built on the basis of programmable controller SIMATIC S7 315F-2DP, production of SIEMENS AG – Germany. The scope of the work includes project development, delivery of the equipment, mounting, wiring, programming, commissioning, adjustment and putting into exploitation.


Chemical and pharmaceutical industry

Delivery, mounting and putting into exploitation of two open channel flowmeters for measurement of water quantities in the range 0 – 25 m3/s and 0 – 5 m3/s. The scope of the work includes delivery, programming, mounting, commissioning, adjustment and putting into exploitation of two open channel flowmeters OCM EM, production of NIVUS GMBH – Germany for dam area “Rozov kladenetz”. It is realized constant measurement and monitoring of the water stands and quantities in the relevant measurement points and information transmission by GSM to the computers in the administration building of the dam area. Independently of this the data in each measurement point are recorded and stored in the flowmeter memory, from where they are downloaded at certain periods of time with hand-held computer.


Chemical and pharmaceutical industry

Replacement of regulator of Multiple Thermal Heating Substation. The scope of the work includes project development, delivery of the equipment, mounting, wiring, programming, commissioning, adjustment and putting into exploitation of new regulator on the basis of programmable controller SIMATIC S7 314C-2 PTP and operator panel OP77A, production of SIEMENS AG – Germany. The system and the regulator realize management, monitoring and control of the input and output signals, and executive devices, information processing and visualization.


Chemical and pharmaceutical industry

Replacement of the management and control system of palletizing robot. The new system is built on the basis of programmable controller SIMATIC S7 313C, production of SIEMENS AG – Germany. The scope of the work includes equipment specification, delivery of the equipment, mounting, wiring, programming, commissioning, adjustment and putting into exploitation.


Chemical and pharmaceutical industry

Project development of new Energy Monitoring SCADA Automation system for replacement of the old existing MIK – 2000 system. The scope of the work includes complete project development – topological diagrams, line diagrams, wiring diagrams, electrical and automation board layouts, cable list, equipment specification.